Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Sample Argument Piece

Alabama's new anti-immigrant law went into effect this September and it is already putting immigrants in fear. The new law has also added frustrating layers of red tape whom Alabama residents must now prove legal status when enrolling children at school. If Alabama succeeds in driving out all of its estimated 120,000 unauthorized immigrants, ignorant restrictionists will surely cheer.

Central Argument:
The central argument that the author is making would be that there are other ways to treat immigrants, instead of frighting them.

Assertion #1: Would be when the author said "Legal immigrants and native-born Alabamans who happen to be or look Hispanic are now far more vulnerable to officially sanctioned harassment."

Assertion #2: Another Assertion would be "There is another more humane and realistic path in which immigrants could earn the right to stay — if Congress would accept its responsibility and move ahead with serious immigration reform. America’s history shows that assimilation works better than deportation — for everyone"

- Lure
- Invariably

Examples of Rhetorical Analysis:
Ethos- because it goes pro-immigration
Assertion- There's a lot of assertions that support the central argument and are arguable.

Pathos, Ethos, & Logos

Logo: This is an example of a logo because it shows that its obviously a fast food place. It persuades people to go eat there because its good food.

This is Ethos because Martin Luther King Jr. was a spiritual leader. He is also one of the black man who stud up for black people freedom.

This is a representation of Pathos. It have an emotional appeal to it so that it makes you feel sorry for the children and makes you want to help them.